VideoLAN, pròiseact agus buidheann nach eil a chum prothaid.
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VLC media player

’S e cluicheadair is frèam-obrach ioma-mheadhain thar-ùrlarach saor ’s le bun-tùs fosgailte a th’ ann an VLC is cluichidh e a’ mhòrchuid de dh’fhaidhlichean ioma-mheadhain agus iomadh pròtacal sruthaidh.

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  • Donate to VLC
    'S e buidheann neo-phrothaideach a tha ann an VideoLAN.
    Tha sinn a' paigheadh nan cosgaisean uile againn le tabhartasan a gheibh sinn on luchd-chleachdaidh againn. Ma tha bathar VideoLAN a' còrdadh ribh, nach cuir sibh taic rinn le tabhartas?
    Barrachd fiosrachaidh
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  • Contribute Work to VLC
    Tha VideoLAN 'na bhathar-bog le còd fosgailte.
    'S ciall dha seo gu bheil sinn a' cur fàilte air do chom-pàirteachas ma tha na sgilean ceart agad is ma tha thusa deiseil is deònach.
    Barrachd fiosrachaidh
Sgaoil am facal
  • Spread VLC
    Tha sinne dhen bheachd gur e VideoLAN am bathar-bog as fhearr a tha ann agus aig deagh phrìs: saor an-asgaidh. Mas e sin do bheachd-sa cuideachd, nach innis thu do dhaoine eile gu bheil seo ann?
    Barrachd fiosrachaidh

Naidheachdan ┐ Ùrachaidhean


We are pleased to release version 3.6.0 of the VLC version for the Android platform.
It comes with the new Remote Access feature, a parental control and a lot of fixes. See our Android page.


VideoLAN and the VLC team are publishing the 3.0.21 release of VLC today, which is the 22nd update to VLC's 3.0 branch: it updates codecs, adds Super Resolution and VQ Enhancement filtering with AMD GPUs, NVIDIA TrueHDR to generate a HDR representation from SDR sources with NVIDIA GPUs and improves playback of numerous formats including improved subtitles rendering notably on macOS with Asian languages. Additional details on the release page. This release also fixes a security issue, which is detailed here.


We are happy to announce a major update of VLC for iOS, iPadOS and tvOS adding playback history, A to B playback, Siri integration, support for external subtitles and audio tracks, a way to favorite folders on local network servers, improved CarPlay integration and many small improvements.


Today, VideoLAN is publishing the 3.0.20 release of VLC, which is a medium update to VLC's 3.0 branch: it updates codecs, fixes a FLAC quality issue and improves playback of numerous formats including improved subtitles rendering. It also fixes a freeze when using frame-by-frame actions. On macOS, audio layout problems are resolved. Finally, we update the user interface translations and add support for more. Additional details on the release page. This release also fixes two security issues, which are detailed here and there.


We are happy to announce a major update of VLC for iOS, iPadOS and tvOS adding a new audio playback interface, CarPlay integration, various improvements to the local media library and iterations to existing features such as WiFi Sharing. Notably, we also added maintenance improvements to the port to tvOS including support for the Apple Remote's single click mode. See the press release for details.

Barrachd naidheachdan

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